Thursday, January 30, 2020

Culture and Language in Society Essay Example for Free

Culture and Language in Society Essay In a world that is rapidly moving toward a predominantly technological and uniformed system, language and culture are becoming increasingly crucial to defining an individual. For many people, culture still completely dictates their way of life, as is evident in many religions, such as Hinduism, where the line between religious traditions and everyday life is blurred. Just as Henry Trueba can be quoted in Afforming Diversity, Whatever knowledge we acquire, it is always acquired through language and culture, two interlocked symbolic systems considered essential for human interaction and survival. Culture and language are so intricately intertwined that even trained scholars find it impossible to decide where language ends and begins, or which one of the two impacts the other the most (189). Without language, culture would be, as Trueba stated, virtually non-existent, as certain emotions can only be conveyed in certain languages. The same holds true for language, as it is often impossible to translate texts while retaining the same literary and emotional connotations the original version contained because certain words only exist in those languages. Moreover, language, especially in literature, leaves much up to interpretation, and translations often omit any ambiguity that the author may have originally intended. When searching for English versions of Fyodor Dostoyevskys Crime and Punishment, several versions are available, each translated by different individuals. In each of these books, differences can be observed in the way the plot is described, though they seldom make any difference in the larger scheme. Even the spelling differs (e. g. Dunya and Dounia) simply because of the way the translator thought the word sounded phonetically. By the same token, reading a Tang dynasty poem in Chinese differs greatly from the English translation. Though the English version manages to retain most of the poets original message, it lacks the fluidity and the poetic essence that can be found in the same poem in Chinese. As with all subjective issues, language is subject to interpretation, and to take away a literary works original language is to deduct from the piece as a whole. Knowledge, however, is not, as Trueba described, acquired solely through culture and language. It is not necessary for language to exist in order for us to know that fire is hot, or that water is wet. Though we may not be able to place these feelings with these specific words, we know that they exist because our sense of touch tells us so. If I chose to call fire water, the flames would still burn my hand when I touched it even if I had attributed a word that would normally extinguish the flames to it. By doing so, I have not changed the entity I have renamed, but have simply categorized it under a different label. A baby does not need to know the meaning of the word hot in order to know that a burning stove is extremely warm to the touch, or the meaning of the word light in order to know that it is brighter in the day than it is at not. After all, a rose by any other name would be just as sweet (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet). Ever since ancient days, culture and language have played integral roles in defining an individual and dictating ones everyday life. The morals that we live by are directly related to our cultural values, which are evident in ancient texts, such as the Koran, Bible and Torah. These books, however, have been translated so many times that their meaning has no doubt been at least slightly changed. In the Jewish culture, the Torah must be recited in Hebrew, the original language of the Jews. In this instance, Hebrew is much more than just a language; it also symbolizes the religious beliefs and customs of the Jewish people, and in this way, much of their traditional culture can be retained. Likewise, Catholics conduct Mass in Latin (though it is not as common anymore) and like in Judaism, much of the culture is maintained that way as well. Language leads directly to culture and culture to language in a cyclical process so that the boundaries between the two become virtually nonexistent. By the same token, language (be it English, Russian, Greek or Japanese) would differ greatly from what we know today if culture were to cease to exist. Much of culture as we know it would be lost without language, as it would be next to impossible to carry on cultural traditions from generation to generation without a means of communication. Much of the vocabulary accumulated in languages is a direct result of cultural practices, traditions and innovations. Each time a new revolution in society or technology takes place, a string of new words is developed. It is estimated that a few dozen new words are added to the English language alone each year. 1 Common words such as television, Internet, and telephone would have meant nothing two short centuries ago. The word silhouette only came into existence after the French Minister of Finance under Louis XV, Etienne de Silhouette, began decorating his office with cheap, black paper cutouts. Back then, the word was associated with stinginess, as the people felt oppressed by the strict financial measures he set on the French in order to replenish the treasury, which had suffered as a result of wars with Britain and Prussia. 2 Today, however, the word is often used to described stylish, chic products, and can be found on cars like the Oldsmobile Silhouette, and shoes, such as Silhouette, a Dutch shoe store. As culture develops, language, too, must evolve to accommodate the new changes as people feel the need to identify objects and feelings with words. A persons way of utilizing language can also tell a lot about his/her cultural background. For someone raised in a normal urban environment, the word Negro will have a very meaning as opposed to the individual who had grown up in the Ku Klux Klan. For the urban New Yorker, Negro would be a derogatory and offensive term that should never be used. For the Klan member, however, the term would equate to ignorant and degraded and altogether sold to the devil. Likewise, the word woman could be considered a derogatory insult depending on the context it is used in. For many women in this modern era, if a man were to say Hey woman, get over here and help me with this, it would warrant the man getting a slap across the face, because it not only is insulting, but also reminds women of the days when they were considered inferior to men. This attitude exists particularly in Western culture where women are considered equal to men (even still, discrepancies exist, particularly in positions of power and politics). In many Islamic countries, however, this kind of deprecating behavior towards women is acceptable to the point that a woman basically becomes her husbands property. Calling someone hey woman would certainly not be regarded as derogatory or insulting by the majority of the people in these countries (e. g. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan). For the women there, such behavior is acceptable because it is tolerated within their culture. The word itself is simply another label that describes who they are. In a culture that believes that women are inferior to men, sexism towards women in language would be common. Three centuries ago, the same attitude would hold true in Western civilizations as few women could hope to rise above the system and hold a position other than that of a housewife. It had been a belief that too much learning for women would result in evil. Thus, women often obtained an education only to the third grade level. Since society had deemed this acceptable and even necessary back then, calling someone woman would not be as offensive as it would be today. Though the word has remained unchanged, the connotation it carries differs greatly as a result in cultural changes. The number of languages one knows also reflects on the level of cultural awareness one has. The more languages one knows, the more likely it is he/she will have a deeper sense of the various cultures that exist in the world. Being bilingual in Chinese and English, I am able to understand Chinese culture better than someone who does not know the language because my view of the Chinese culture and traditions is subject only to my own interpretation, rather than that of a tour guide, publisher, author or another individual. As stated previously, it is impossible to translate everything word for word and thus certain phrases can only be communicated effectively in the original language, yet such expressions are often imperative to further understand a culture. For example, the words Long live the people of the world appear on the Tiananmen gate in Beijing. To translate it literally, however, the same phrase would be May the people of the world live for 10,000 years. Though the general meaning is the same, slight differences still exist. Language and culture are inextricably linked in defining an individual, society and nation. Without one, the other would cease to exist as we know it. Simply by listening to the language, or even a dialect, a person speaks, one can often tell a lot about their cultural background. Generally speaking, the Californian accent shows that the person is most likely laid back and easy going, while the Southern drawl may depict a persons tendency to take things slowly. As it would be unlikely to find a member of the social elite speaking Ebonics (Black English), it would be safe to assume that the individual who speaks the dialect is from an urban environment, and is culturally aware of the urban scene. Just as Trueba had states, there is no division at which language ends and culture begins, as they continue in a cycle with one completing the other. In order to understand ourselves better, we must first understand our heritage, which is composed largely of language and culture. To find a definite distinction between the two would be impossible and would call for a change to language and culture as we presently know it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Changing Lives From The Other Side :: essays research papers

Changing Lives from the Other Side â€Å"To teach is to touch lives forever† is a popular phrase that teachers like to be reminded of. I know this because they almost all have it framed on their desk, up on their walls on posters, or have a t-shirt with the theme on it. Another is â€Å"To teach a child is to change the world.† I haven’t been a teacher, but I work with children and with children’s health at The Little Gym, and I volunteer at the homeless center’s children’s activity room. I can’t say that I’ve touched or changed their lives, but I know that they’ve changed my view on love more than anything else has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All other humans, and I first learned about love from our parents. From birth, we are nurtured and given everything needed for survival. Through this dependence, we develop love for our parents. When we start to learn more about the world, we come in contact with others. I am one of the many people that try to develop or adjust a child’s life for the best. I am probably one of the least important people in the process of the child’s mental and physical growth. But, some children make me feel like the most important person in the world, that only a few worthy people are lucky enough to see a child’s special light and smile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A child’s smile is transparent. Their love can be seen through their smile. Their happiness is so innocent and unselfish, that sometimes, we have to feel like a child to feel that kind of love. Working with kids reminds me to bring myself back to childhood. I have to think, what made me happy when I was a child, what frustrated me, and how can I make that situation better for the child. The groups of children that I work with may compare and contrast to each other in different ways. The Gym’s kids are generally well behaved and easy to please. The homeless center’s kids are disrespectful, but still easy to please. A favorite activity at the homeless center is for the children to throw toys around the room when they can’t get their way. These kids need extra attention to calm down and to explain sharing to. But if I was a raging kid, I wouldn’t want to be talked to. I would need other entertainment to keep my mind on, and fast.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Negotiation Strategies In International Business Commerce Essay

In concern relationships, parties negotiate because they think they can act upon the procedure in such a manner that they can acquire a better trade than merely accepting or rejecting what the other party is offering. Ghauri ( 2003 ) says concern dialogue is a voluntary procedure of spring and take where both parties modify their offers and outlooks in order to come closer to each other. In literature, sometimes â€Å" bargaining † and â€Å" dialogue † are used interchangeably. Negotiation, besides called â€Å" integrative bargaining † , refers to win-win dialogue where both or all parties involved can stop up with every bit good or attractive results. In other words, everyone can win. It is more related to a problem-solving attack, where both parties involved perceive the procedure of dialogue as a procedure to happen a solution to a common job. In integrative bargaining nevertheless, if dialogues are non decently handled, both parties can stop up with a jointly inferior trade. With dialogue, it is possible for both parties to accomplish their aims and one party ‘s addition is non dependent upon the other party ‘s grant. Business dialogue is considered by many writers as being this type of dialogue. The power/dependence relation is another basic feature of all dialogue processes. It is closely related to the existent power relation, which is influenced by the value of the relationship to the parties and their available options. Background factors for illustration the market place – can act upon the power/dependence relation. The ability to command a relationship is related to the sensed power of two parties, their comparative expertness and entree to information. This power is a belongings of the relationship and non an property of the histrion ; in fact, it is closely related to dependance. Therefore, the power relationship is in balance if both parties perceive equal power. The power relationship is imbalanced if one of the parties perceives more power, or if one party is dependent on the other. The dramatic growing of international trade over the last five decennaries has been non merely in footings of volume but in complexness every bit good. International sellers are now more and more concern negotiants, who invariably discuss trades across boundary lines with a assortment of people, runing from consumers to mediators and even rivals. Technology frequently plays a major function in such trades and this could misdirect people into believing that the whole dialogue procedure is chiefly an applied scientists ‘ treatment based on rational and scientific facts. In fact, proficient complexness intermingles with human complexness to render such dialogue processes hard to pull off. A considerable sum of literature is available on dialogues, some of it besides on concern dialogues but the field of international concern dialogues is rather neglected. Strategic Negotiations. Richard Walton etal,1994 identify three primary dialogues schemes. These are â€Å" forcing, † â€Å" fosterage, † and â€Å" flight. † Each represents an overarching form of interaction that characterizes the dialogues. A scheme does non emerge all at one time, but over clip as a consequence of consistent forms of interaction. A forcing scheme by and large involves taking a â€Å" distributive † or win/lose attack to the dialogues, combined with a â€Å" divide and conquer † attack to internal dealingss in the other side, and an attitudinal attack that emphasizes uncertainness and misgiving. By contrast, a fosterage scheme by and large involves taking an â€Å" integrative † or win/win attack to the dialogues, combined with a â€Å" consensus † attack to internal dealingss in both sides, and an attitudinal attack that emphasizes openness and apprehension. â€Å" Escape † is a non-negotiations scheme in w hich one or more parties seek to stop or undersell the relationship. Dietmeyer and Kaplan ( 2004 ) utilize a research-based attack to dialogue that assists gross revenues professionals in making their ain concern ends, while guaranting that their clients run into budget and professional aims as well-going beyond win-win to accomplish true, mensurable concern value for all parties at the negociating tabular array. Power and Diplomacy Power. Susan Strange ( 1998 ) brings out that power accrues to those who can offer or deny security ; those who manage the creative activity of wealth by production ; those who create recognition to let or deny other people to pass today and pay back tomorrow ; those who ( myocardial infarction ) manage the currency in which recognition is denominated ; those who have knowledge ( advanced engineering ) which provides military high quality and laterality in other power constructions. John De La Mothe ( 2002 ) , argues that scientific discipline, engineering and invention have long been cardinal factors in the competitory advantage of states. Today, nevertheless, the new international political economic system is being progressively driven by scientific discipline and engineering in new ways. Integration, globalisation and internationalisation have all become war cries for a series of dynamic procedures in which scientific discipline and engineering are profoundly concerned. As a conse quence, non merely are the policies of â€Å" national † authoritiess being exposed in footings of the bounds of their sovereignty, but scientific discipline and engineering are being progressively implicated in a broad array of public issues – runing from security, privateness, development and economic growing to employment, environment, foreign policy and geopolitics. Clearly, in today ‘s rising universe, the ways in which authoritiess organize their scientific discipline and engineering policy, their scientific discipline and engineering intelligence, and their research advisory constructions and resources matter more today than of all time before. Diplomacy. James Rosenau was one of the first to propose that the domestic and international are someway ‘linked ‘ and elaborated upon what he termed ‘linkage political relations ‘ ( 1969 ) . Scholars concentrating on the regional impact of domestic political relations are Karl Deutsch ( 1957 ) and Ernst Haas ( 1958 ) . Haas high spots two types of ‘spillover. ‘ The first type, functional spillover, occurs when cooperation in certain sectors of the economic system ( or society ) creates technocratic force per unit area for cooperation in bordering sectors, thereby impeling integrating frontward. The 2nd type, political spillover, occurs when ongoing cooperation in certain countries empowers supranational functionaries to move as informal political enterprisers in other countries. In order to pull off complex technocratic issues more efficaciously, rational authoritiess must depute discretion to experts, Judgess and administrative officials, thereby making powerful new supranational histrions with an involvement in cooperation. Graham Allison in Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis ( 1971 ) excessively, speaks of an ‘overlap ‘ between international and domestic political relations. In State Power and the Structure of International Trade, Krasner argues that that openness in the universe economic system is most likely to happen â€Å" during periods when a hegemonic province is in its dominance † . Equally long as the province ‘s technological lead is increasing, its leading will comprehend economic advantages to openness, since openness will spread out markets for the merchandises of its technologically sophisticated industries. The hegemon will besides derive politically, since the â€Å" chance costs of closing † will be low, comparative to those confronting smaller and poorer provinces. Conversely, when several big, unevenly developed provinces coexist, Krasner predicts that the more backward provinces will happen openness economically and politically dearly-won and will therefore resist it. Greater trade closing will, hence, consequence ( Keohane 1997 ) . Like Gilpin before him, Krasner excessively stresses on the influence of the Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ strength ‘ of the province on international trade. The important point is the correlativity between what occurs within a province is related to what occurs beyond province boundaries. Robert Putnam in Diplomacy and Domestic Politicss: The Logic of Two Level Games ( 1988 ) argues that domestic constructions and diplomatic negotiations are endlessly entangled and says that the negotiant is under force per unit area to accommodate domestic and international struggles. Putnam ‘s work challenges the ‘level of analysis ‘ attack to analyzing international dealingss which stresses the importance of sorting informations under three bunchs: the systemic, national and the person ( Singer 1961 ) . Mayer ( 1991 ) develops a theoretical account to research the deductions of domestic political divisions for international strategic battle in international trade. He explores the topic by handling international trade as a game and placing the participants and analyzing how they play. The observation that there are several overlapping games being played, a few of them being strategic and others non, is important. Policies such as duty, quotas, and export and produc tion subsidies are the tools used by the participants to derive an advantage in the international strategic trade game ( Krugman 1986 ) . Work on ‘strategic trade policy ‘ physiques on game theoretical theoretical accounts which analyse how provinces use trade policies to leverage their economic public presentation. India and Nanotechnology ( The literature study included, amongst others, a perusing of one-year studies of GOI MOD, DST, CSIR, TIFAC, CII ; back issues ( app 3years ) of Business universe, New Scientist, Hindu Businessline and Business Today. ) GOI enterprises include DST launched Nano Science and Technology Initiative ( NSTI ) with an allotment of Rs. 1000 crore, Government has spent about Rs. 250 crore, over the past five old ages to advance R & A ; D in the country of nanotechnology. 100 research undertakings on the synthesis and assembly of ceramic nanoparticles, nano tubings, nano wires, nanoporous solids, and DNA french friess have been supported by the Government. CII Enterprises have resulted in ; India-UK Joint Economic and Trade Cooperation, Indo-US High Technology Cooperation Group ( HTCG ) , Nanotechnology partnership with Taiwan, a figure of Nanotechnology Conclaves, Nanotechnology Cluster-CMTI, Jharkhand Nanotechnology Initiative, West Bengal Nano Park etc. CII is working closely with the Government of India on US India High-Technology Cooperation Group ( HTCG ) formed on November 2002. The HTCG acts to ease and advance bilateral high-technology trade. The focal point countries of the nucleus group include Information Technology, Defense, Life Sciences and Nanotechnology. Gaining the potency of nanotechnology, HTCG working group on Nanotechnology is formed to ease seamless flow of cognition between both the states and joint development undertakings affecting industries. The Confederation of Indian Industry ( CII ) has put together a 10-point action program to authorise Indian industry to come out with commercial nanotechnology merchandises, which it believes will drive the hereafter of industry worldwide. The action program includes awareness creative activity, preparation and accomplishments development, engineering facilitation and networking and easing collaborative undertakings. The Nano Science and Technology Consortium works to make a platform conducive for the growing, publicity and partnering in the field of Nano Science and Technology taking together industries, faculty members and authorities through consultative, consultative and educative procedures which will supply growing platform for organisations, faculty members and authoritiess for tackling the Nano potency at Global degree. Companies like Samsung have already entered the Indian market with a scope of merchandises utilizing nanotechnology such as icebox, rinsing machine and air-cooler. Samsung uses nano-silver in assorted composings in its merchandise scope. Further, companies like Tata Steel, Tata Chemicals, Mahindra & A ; Mahindra, Nicholas Piramal and Intel have invested around $ 250 million in the domestic market towards this terminal. Yash Nanotech has inked understandings with IIT Mumbai, NCL Pune and the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre of Advanced Research, Bangalore, to set about planetary contract research and set up nanotech fabrication installations. Civil Applications. These can be grouped under four caputs, viz. , sensing, including imagination, detectors and detector webs for the sensing of pathogens and chemicals ; protection, including decontamination equipment and filters, and personal protection ; designation, including anti-counterfeiting and hallmark, forensics, quantum cryptanalysis and the market for forgery and gray goods ; social impacts, including current regulative and ethical models, possible impacts on moralss and human rights, and public perceptual experience. Application in the field of medical specialty is one of the most absorbing countries that include new malignant neoplastic disease therapies, drug bringing systems, and biomaterials for implants or prosthetic device or diagnostic tools, which are under development or already in market. An of import country of application of nanotechnology includes fresh drug bringing techniques, which are quicker & A ; less hazardous, compared to the costs of developing new drugs. Military Applications. These besides flow out from civil applications in countries like ; higher public presentation platforms ( aircraft, ships, bombers, boats and orbiters ) , enhanced feeling through more sensitive and selective detectors, enhanced human public presentation, information laterality through enhanced information engineering, improved battleground casualty direction, lower life rhythm costs with improved stuffs, coatings, and condition-based care etc. Stake holders. The assorted interest holders include ; authoritiess, Industry, Entrepreneurs, R & A ; D, Institutions, Academic Research Institutions, and Society. Case Studies. These can be subdivided into those which pertain to PSUs, R & A ; D constitutions and Defense and the private sector endeavors. The private sector industries which can be studied for dialogues ensuing in assorted types of partnerships/JVs/MOUs/TOTs etc. are listed below: – Measuring devices & A ; equipments: Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd, Icon Analytical equipment. Ltd. , Veeco.Health Care: Dabur Research Foundation, Bharat Biotech International Ltd. , Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. Materials processing: Tata Chemicals, Pune. Reliance India Limited. Car: Mahindra & A ; Mahindra, Tata Motors, United Nanotechnologies Pvt. Ltd. Electronics: Bharat Electronics Ltd, SemIndia Systems, Samtel India.

Monday, January 6, 2020

After the first few days of the bombings of Hiroshima and...

After the first few days of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Americans, without knowledge of the aftermath of these cities, began cheering and celebrating as the bombings marked the end of World War II. Also, this event showed that Americans would be the ones who would lead the world into the nuclear age. In a Gallup Poll taken from August 10-15, 1945, Americans were asked whether or not they approved or disapproved of the use of atomic bombs on Japanese cities, 85 percent approved, ten percent disapproved and five had no opinion.30 then when asked if the development of the atomic bomb was a good or bad thing, 69 percent said it was a good thing, 17 percent said it was bad, and 14 percent had no opinion (Steele). However, as time†¦show more content†¦. . . Modern science has won this war for us. Modern science is winning the peace for us. And modern science will provide a means of living and a security of living for the generations to come which this world has never dreamed of. He was not the only to say things like this after the bombings. Many people thought that this creation would be a positive thing for future conflicts as it could prevent war and provide peace throughout the world. Also, people were relieved that America was able to invent the bomb first as America only wants peace and other countries would have taken advantage of this weapon. As John L. Balderston Jr. of Oak Ridge, Tennessee said, It is to the good of the whole world that we, a normally peace-loving nation, did discover it first. With the shock of these nuclear weapons being unleashed, also came the doubt of whether dropping the bombs was the right thing to do. Throughout America, people wondered whether there could have been another solution to end the war. People wondered whether it was right to drop the bomb on so many innocent people. On the topic of the bomb, General Dwight D. Eisenhower said, Japan was at the moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face. It wasnt necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Not only that, but Americans also questioned why their country had to be the one to cause mass death, destruction, and devastation. After dropping the bomb, evenShow MoreRelatedThe Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki2142 Words   |  9 PagesThe horrific atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6th and 9th of 1945 brought about several reactions in the United States. Starting with the controversial events leading up to the atomic with the Potsdam Proclamation, m any Americans began to wonder whether the total destruction of these two cities were necessary. However, immediate American responses and reactions to the bombs were contrary to what they became later on. Americans slowly stopped being ignorant of what had happenedRead MoreDropping the Bomb on Hiroshima1332 Words   |  5 Pages1945 was a day that would forever change the lives of the Japanese living in Hiroshima. 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